Skin Tag Removal.
Post Treatment
Immediately After
17 Days Later
Milia Removal
Post Treatment
14 Days Later
Procedure Time
15-45 mins average
Sensitivity Period
7-10 days for healing
Not required
Minor discomfort minor warm stinging feeling
Back to work
No. of Treatments
Depending on blemish size and abundance
Advanced Electrolysis
Milia, Skin Tag, Sun Spot Removal
The skin is the largest organ of the body, so it is no wonder that our skin can experience small imperfections in the form of lumps/bumps such as milia and skin tags and sun spots. In many cases these are due to a combination of factors including ageing, UV Damage and sometimes particular health conditions. Skin Rich is one of a few specialised skin clinics that can offer Advanced Electrolysis to successfully remove, visibly reduce, and improve the appearance of unwanted skin blemishes, offering immediate and effective results to balance and smooth your skin tone.
Advanced Electrolysis treatment uses a tiny needle and a small electrical current to safely cauterise or lift away the superficial epidermis, depending on the type of blemish that is being treated.
Advanced Electrolysis can treat the following skin concerns:
Skin Tags
Skin tags are loose skin that is attached to the body that are formed by friction on the skin which can be from clothing, accessories or even from rubbing skin. They are usually found on the neck, armpits, around the groin, or under the breasts. They can also grow on the eyelids or under the folds of the buttocks. Men are often prone to skin tags as they are exposed to more friction on the skin from high collars and shirts. Skin tags are very common, harmless, and can vary in colour and size. During treatment these small blemishes are cauterised and removed instantly, with small red marks or scabbing appearing after treatment. These will disappear after 7-10 days.
A common mole is a coloured spot on the skin that develops when pigment cells (melanocytes) grow in clusters. The medical term for moles is melanocytic naevi and most adults usually have between 10 and 40 on their body. With Advanced Electrolysis treatment the mole is reduced by half its size in a single treatment and will continue to reduce as the scab forms and disappears. One top-up treatment may be necessary, but this will be discussed as part of our aftercare follow up appointment. It should be noted that Advanced Electrolysis can safely remove smaller flatter moles any larger raised moles would need to be referred to a dermatologist in the first instance.
Milia (small white spots under the skin)
Milia are tiny cysts that are located immediately below the epidermis, the very outer layer of skin, making their distinctive colouring so visible. The white comes from an excess build-up of keratin, which is natural part of the skin, also found in nails and hair. The current directed during the treatment cauterises the blemish and the milia is reabsorbed back into the skin. Results can start to show up to a month after treatment.
Thread Veins/Spider Veins
Thread veins are tiny blood vessels which run close to the surface of the skin and look like fine red, or sometimes purple, wiggly lines. They're also sometimes called 'spider veins' or 'broken veins', although the veins aren't, broken but only slightly enlarged. The medical term for them is telangiectasia. Thread (or spider) veins tend to develop as we age and our skin and blood vessels get less elastic. Hormonal changes, due to pregnancy or the menopause for example, can lead to thread veins. Our environment can also contribute to the development: too much exposure to the sun, wind or extreme temperatures, can also cause spider veins to develop. Results from Advanced Electrolysis treatment are permanent but genetics also play a role in their formation so you may prone developing these little veins. We can also treat spider veins with our laser machine, your practitioner will determine the most appropriate method to employ during the consultation.
Blood Spots
Blood Spots are caused by small veins lying just beneath the outer layer of the skin. These small red/purple-coloured spots are quite commonly seen on the skin and often appear with age. Blood spots are tiny pools of blood under the skin that occur when small blood vessels burst, they vary in size and sometimes a larger patch of spots can develop but are normally harmless. The treatment itself will take no more than half an hour from start to finish, or maybe less if the area to be treated is quite small. A single treatment is normally enough to remove an individual Blood Spot, and once treated the small blood pool beneath the skin’s surface is reabsorbed into the body, causing the red appearance to disappear.
Sun spots/Age Spots
As we grow older, collagen-producing cells begin to work less efficiently which can lead to a gradual build-up of yellowish pigmentation. These Sun Spots, also known as Age Spots or Liver Spots, are smooth light brown, or grey blemishes that are not crusty or dry to the touch. Generally, Sun Spots begin to form after the age of 40, but it is possible for them to appear much earlier where skin excessively exposed to UV rays. They are more common in fair-skinned people or in those who have a tendency to develop freckles easily; typically they appear on areas of the skin that are regularly exposed to the sun such as the face, neck, arms, or hands. Advanced Electrolysis introduces a low current to the affected area, lifting the edge of the Sun Spot. If the skin tone beneath is free from discolouration, the treatment can proceed as planned and is likely to be highly effective. Some will Sun Spots will inevitably will be located too deep within the dermis which wont allow full removal. In this instance it may be possible to combine this treatment with specialist pigment correctors to reduce the overall visibility.
How do I know if I am suitable for Advanced Electrolysis?
It is generally safe for most people to undergo Advanced Electrolysis; however, prior to any treatment our practitioner will invite each client to a complimentary no obligation consultation. At this appointment we will check the skin thoroughly to assess the skin concern and confirm medical history, and to discuss expected results from the treatment and aftercare.
Important Note
Our Advanced Electrolysis treatments can only be booked with our practitioners Karen Evans or Farah Cleaver who has extensive training and years of experience in this very specialist field of aesthetic treatment